FindGigs LLC

The first subsidiary in the LineRat Ventures Inc. portfolio.

"Monetize your Talents". This is the first step in taking a "It's not what you know, it's who you know" business and turning it on its head. So here's everybody you could ever need to know, now go perform. will be a subscription-based platform for performing artists to use to plan tours, find new venues, sell merchandise, find graphic designers and labels and festivals, sell tickets, have access to AI tools to help with marketing, have access to performer contracts and more.

On the other side, graphic designers, recording studios, journalists, event planners, booking agents, venues and more will be welcome to create profiles and take advantage of location-based notifications to always stay in the know when new acts are coming into town. 

This is a very brief description of the platform. More will be announced the further into production we get. 

Every sale that happens through this site, and through LineRat's Etsy site is going to be added to the funding for this project. Grab a recipe book, management or cooking tutorial, a t-shirt or some stickers if you would like to support. Otherwise, click HERE to visit our donation page.