
LineRat Ventures is owned and operated by David "Shag" Shager, a father of two, musician, and Chef of 17 years. 

Shortly after his 37th birthday, Shag got somewhat fed up with trying to find somewhere to fit in the world, feeling like he'd been banging his head against the wall this whole time and not really making any progress. 

Thing is, you probably have been too. 

Since his start in the culinary industry, Shag has been trying to either make it work, or find a way out. In this time, he's managed to come up with several hundred business ideas, many many solutions to daily issues within the industry, and several years worth of concepts. As of now, he's decided to create an umbrella company to house these ideas, and to use as a way to legitimize them in a way that will help others to realize their dreams and goals. 

So LineRat Ventures Inc. is born. 

Grab some recipes, buy a shirt, check out the donation page for FindGigs.com (Placeholder), share the site, comment, like, whatever you feel like doing to show your support for these projects. Anything is appreciated. 

Thank You.